All that and all he can ask is about dicks

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He sounds like fun at birthday parties

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I will consider inviting him to my next!

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I’d never heard about this testing on indigenous children before. Truly heartbreaking. And this Jason guy—un-fucking-real

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I was just at Nanaimo, Vancouver Island, British Columbia last year - right next to Port Alberneri. I had no idea I was so near this rich, terrible history. Wow. Thank you very much for writing these newsletters. This is only the second one I have read & I will be subscribing. Thank you for doing all this research & sharing in such an interesting way.

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It is tragic how “easily” bad history can be erased by the bullies in charge. I mean, I was *right there* and had no idea this was there, too. You’d never know it if you just drove around as a tourist trying to find a good place to walk my dogs and eat some food.

I am #TheTravelingViolinist

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But in all seriousness, thank you for sharing this.

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Soul crushing. I think it's interesting that you are talking about starvation and swings in with the fat shaming. I wonder if you had talked about sex, you would have been a whore.

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