Horny History Quickies: Cherán Mexico
It’s real history, as told by some horny dude in my inbox and me.
It’s difficult for me to do quick history stories, because there is always more I want to say, but some of my older pieces I’m re-editing for my book are much shorter than my new ones. Enjoy this quickie.
Cherán Mexico has very little crime, although the rest of Michoacán has plenty. Their story of how they got this way began with their brave women.
Cherán is autonomous. Their community is monitored at the entrances by community members. People are allowed to come in as long as those guarding the entrances approve.
They’ve been self-governing for over a decade now. The community is divided into four barrios. Three people from every barrio are elected to the Council of Elders. However, in Cherán you don’t choose to run. You are nominated. There are also eight operating councils on issues like administration, neighborhood coordination, social programs, justice, civic affairs, communal properties and women’s issues.
Their women started the revolution against the organized crime, illegal loggers and corruption. Here is their story.
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“I’ll call your girlfriend babe while I tell her about Cherán” is honestly one of my best lines. Please don’t forget to congratulate me on that.
Cherán is still autonomous. They are one of my favorite examples of a self-governing community. The Purépecha people fought against horrific crimes, rape, kidnapping, extortion, and the illegal logging of their forests. That the fight began with women, is even more captivating to me. They are all ready to fight again if the cartels and organized crime try to come back. As a community, they’ve planted and regrown much of their forest they lost to the illegal logging.
When asked how they alone survive and thrive surrounded by other communities that face organized crime and corruption, Cherán’s residents say,
The Cherán Indigenous Community’s Remarkable Road to Self-rule in Mexico Giovanna Salazar
The Mexican Town That Kicked Out Politicians and Started Over Vice
How Cherán Mexico Abolished the Police Revolution and Ideology
I’m working on updating my posts to be ready to publish in a book. Do you want your name listed in my book as a supporter? My $100 yearly subscribers will all be listed in my book. It takes time to create these, and although I wish I had endless amounts of time to spend on my passions, we all have to make money to survive. If I’m not making money on this, then I need to increase my work outside of this, and that leaves less time for telling history. When you subscribe you’re helping me support my family and helping me get closer to my dream of this being my job again. (If you’re new to following me, at one point I was monetized on Facebook enough to have it be my sole job, AND even enough to be able to donate a portion of page profits to domestic violence shelters and then later donations of period products. I hope to get back to this someday, but I’m just nowhere close.)
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The closing line is indeed great, but I really loved "polyhistorical" too!
I'm curious why you're trying to make pieces shorter for the book? It seems to me that it's a good opportunity to go more in depth since you'll have readers that are dedicating their attention to it and you aren't at the mercy of FB algorithms. Personally I think I'd enjoy reading the longer detailed history pieces interspersed with the short funny bits. Maybe the history ones could be grouped by general subject, like feminism, patriotism (nationalism), racial injustice, etc.
“I’m polyhistorical” was amazing, but the last line is also hilarious.
Genuinely interesting story though. Thank you for sharing!