If you’ve ever been mockingly called a moron you can thank Henry H. Goddard. Goddard (1866-1957) felt the need to distinguish between people labeled feeble minded and people who were mentally behind but could appear normal. Through biased intelligence tests he labeled people with mental ages between 8-12 as morons. Morons were dangerous to him. They could exist in society without you knowing about them because they blended in with normal people until you tested their intelligence. Oooooooo. Scary.
To his credit, Goddard eventually changed his mind, but it was too little too late. His ideas were already wide spread and used to ruin the lives of innocent people. He wrote a book in 1928 that basically said being a moron can be cured with education and people who are feeble minded don’t need to be institutionalized. Unfortunately that retraction meant absolutely nothing to the eugenics community using his ideas.
If you want to read more about it, I suggest:
Better For All The World by Harry Brunius
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"Yes, I was definitely one of the test subjects in 1913. Just hanging out here on Snapchat 110 years later telling men about it."